Thursday, December 20, 2007

10 moRe daYs to go ON

fRoM dE daY coME baCK fRom genTiNg~ i haVE a strange feeLinG alreadY~
mySelf alwaYS seeKinG fOR it~~ anD i goT teLl oNe oF my friEnd~
he keeP on aN weI me~ teLL me dUN thINk sO much aNd iT juSt aN iMaginatiOn
iTs noT trUE~ bUt wAd mYseLf caN dO foR thE nexT stEp??
i MorE feAR tO go oN lIke thIs wIth de bLurIInG thiNkIng aND blurrIng mIndeD~
dEN i foLLow uP hIm say~ noT tO thINk so mUch~ buT unluckY~
i keeP oN thiNK oN tUesdaY niGht~ shoULd i do soMEthiNg??
mY feelinG teLl mE iS absolUteLy alreaDY bUt I stiLl noT beliEve it~
i keeP on goIng fOR it~
thAt nigHt hE didnT oNline, dEn i thInk anD thiNK wAd caN be dOne foR me~
mY mInd kind oF blanK oF it~
sO thIS eND uP aT tHE niGhT, keeP roLLinG at the beD thInk anD thinK~
dE anSweR at THe eNd alSO didNt appeaR in frOnt of mY eye~ haiz
tRyinG mY besT~ aND wAd decISiOn beeN maDe bY hiM, i will FollOW up~
aS wAD hE waN~ sO noW i dIDnt hoPe fOR aNy mOre thiNgs~ jusT i waN be Back like last timE~ noThiNg change buT kNoes uR answeR i alreadY happY~

seeMs nS life IS geTTIng neaR alreadY~ 10 more daYS to go on iN my hOmetowN~
beFore goIng hoPe cAn meET aLL friends~ scarEd nO moRE tiMe fOr uS to meet uP already~
appriciatE thIS feW daYS tIme left~ going tO dE trainIng~ bubYe alreadY~
like thIs dE tIme passeS~ hoW guD if tHe tiME caN stOP nowOns??
anywaY marrY cHirItmasU neh~~
hOpe aLL frieND de wiSH coMe truE aND u keeP oN hapPy, dun thiNk so much already
hOpe sanTa uncLe wiLl lEt mY wiSh coME trUE thIS yeaR~ thanKs neh~

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