seemS like this few days, me wearing mask agaiN~~
why myself wanna wear so??? why cant i gib any comment about those???
nowOns i more realise thaT anD i aLways thInk smIling ON thiS few days really come out from my heart??? i more wanna knoe it~~
wheN i teLL heR that SHe say me have a false feeling agaiN~
i hope that is false and fake!! bUt tHis few days my feeling tell me not like that~~ kiNd of serious things going to happen again... haiz~
sOmetimes waD i hope i didnt say it out~~ just let it come in fate~~
wHEn it waNNa come it will comE~~ sO i didnT waNNa trY oN agaiN~
juSt whEn de daY reacH it wiLl also reach and wont stop at there waiting for me~
aND myseLF liKe followS up other~~ he ask me did i tell wad i wan???
my answer is no~ i didnt do so~ bUt he telL me whY dun trY for it anD mayBe a suprise wIll come out~~ myself also hope that de wish that i thiNking wiLl cOme truE~~
today is christmas eve, got any plAnniNg to do???
KiNd Of freaKing woRRy christmas eve~~ duNNno todaY will haPPen wad agaiN~
juST enjoY today ba anD hOpe he can join together~~ de lasT evenT we celebrate togetHer~
anD myself goinG to enjoY my lifE aT ns thIs sunday~ quIt saD for it..T.T
aNywAy misSIng u alL de tiME.. s0bx s0bx
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