Tuesday, December 25, 2007

chIrstmaS eve

tOdaY is chrIStmas day~~ wiSh alL merrY chrisTmas noH~~
alL hapPy aND keeP oN healThy neH~~
yesterdaY mY feeLing stiLl de saME~~~ nothiNg that chanGE
quiT borriNg foR duriNg morning And afternOoN~
nO special activities beeN set uP~ thIs maKe me morE saD~~
every timE theres nothing to do~ make myself will think more~~
me keeP on thiNK anD thiNK~~ wad myself looking for???
thOSe thingS still not enought yeT?? or waD??
waD mYself wan for??? wHy lonelY feeling suddenly will come out~~ haizz.. really cant predict it aS myself now knoe it, but seems nothing change but wad myself still wan for??
waN more care??? or others?? im kind of blurring off~
dEN duRing night time, me and my friends go celebrate for de event~~
aT there chit chatting onlI~ also nothing to do much~~
aFTer that, around 12 something den we gather together and speed up to proton city again~
todaY i thought wanna tell u waD i wan for.. but i didnt say it out~~ im fail this time...
realli sorry for saying nothing... dun have de braveness to say it out ba~~
althought myself quit fan for it, but i didnt say it out~~ maskIing agaiN~ haizz
oh ya, duRing evening got tell one friend~ he just call me dun think so much~ try for it~~ tell wad urself feeling~~ i still remember it but at night. me didnt do it.. im really sorry for two of them~ didnt do wad i thinking...
duRing 1 something den onlI go back hoMe anD one of my friend come to my shoP~~
den she at here chit chat and watch movie until 4 something~~
i taking my nap aFter that~~~ thIS my schedule on christmas eve this year~~ lIke this pass le~~ T.T but theres still have a long road for me to go oN~~ trY my besT for it ba~~
wHy mYself seems that our distance liKe faR already and theres nothIng to chat for~~
izzit myself feel for it?? my false feeling~~ i very very hope so~

Monday, December 24, 2007

MAskIinG agaIn?

seemS like this few days, me wearing mask agaiN~~
why myself wanna wear so??? why cant i gib any comment about those???
nowOns i more realise thaT anD i aLways thInk smIling ON thiS few days really come out from my heart??? i more wanna knoe it~~
wheN i teLL heR that SHe say me have a false feeling agaiN~
i hope that is false and fake!! bUt tHis few days my feeling tell me not like that~~ kiNd of serious things going to happen again... haiz~
sOmetimes waD i hope i didnt say it out~~ just let it come in fate~~
wHEn it waNNa come it will comE~~ sO i didnT waNNa trY oN agaiN~
juSt whEn de daY reacH it wiLl also reach and wont stop at there waiting for me~
aND myseLF liKe followS up other~~ he ask me did i tell wad i wan???
my answer is no~ i didnt do so~ bUt he telL me whY dun trY for it anD mayBe a suprise wIll come out~~ myself also hope that de wish that i thiNking wiLl cOme truE~~
today is christmas eve, got any plAnniNg to do???
KiNd Of freaKing woRRy christmas eve~~ duNNno todaY will haPPen wad agaiN~
juST enjoY today ba anD hOpe he can join together~~ de lasT evenT we celebrate togetHer~
anD myself goinG to enjoY my lifE aT ns thIs sunday~ quIt saD for it..T.T
aNywAy misSIng u alL de tiME.. s0bx s0bx

Thursday, December 20, 2007

10 moRe daYs to go ON

fRoM dE daY coME baCK fRom genTiNg~ i haVE a strange feeLinG alreadY~
mySelf alwaYS seeKinG fOR it~~ anD i goT teLl oNe oF my friEnd~
he keeP on aN weI me~ teLL me dUN thINk sO much aNd iT juSt aN iMaginatiOn
iTs noT trUE~ bUt wAd mYseLf caN dO foR thE nexT stEp??
i MorE feAR tO go oN lIke thIs wIth de bLurIInG thiNkIng aND blurrIng mIndeD~
dEN i foLLow uP hIm say~ noT tO thINk so mUch~ buT unluckY~
i keeP oN thiNK oN tUesdaY niGht~ shoULd i do soMEthiNg??
mY feelinG teLl mE iS absolUteLy alreaDY bUt I stiLl noT beliEve it~
i keeP on goIng fOR it~
thAt nigHt hE didnT oNline, dEn i thInk anD thiNK wAd caN be dOne foR me~
mY mInd kind oF blanK oF it~
sO thIS eND uP aT tHE niGhT, keeP roLLinG at the beD thInk anD thinK~
dE anSweR at THe eNd alSO didNt appeaR in frOnt of mY eye~ haiz
tRyinG mY besT~ aND wAd decISiOn beeN maDe bY hiM, i will FollOW up~
aS wAD hE waN~ sO noW i dIDnt hoPe fOR aNy mOre thiNgs~ jusT i waN be Back like last timE~ noThiNg change buT kNoes uR answeR i alreadY happY~

seeMs nS life IS geTTIng neaR alreadY~ 10 more daYS to go on iN my hOmetowN~
beFore goIng hoPe cAn meET aLL friends~ scarEd nO moRE tiMe fOr uS to meet uP already~
appriciatE thIS feW daYS tIme left~ going tO dE trainIng~ bubYe alreadY~
like thIs dE tIme passeS~ hoW guD if tHe tiME caN stOP nowOns??
anywaY marrY cHirItmasU neh~~
hOpe aLL frieND de wiSH coMe truE aND u keeP oN hapPy, dun thiNk so much already
hOpe sanTa uncLe wiLl lEt mY wiSh coME trUE thIS yeaR~ thanKs neh~

Monday, December 17, 2007

laST yeaR trIps XDD

whoah~ having fun in de genting trips foR 3daYS aNd 2 nighTs at there~
bUt aT The eNd liKe that finISh le~~ but at there qUit fuN and enjoY for it~
fRoM de 1sT daY, we begaN ouR journEy untIL de caBEl car there~~
all enjoyinG insIDe dE bus~~ plaYing, chaTTing, jokiNg anD so On~
wheN reaCh genTiNG, we Nid to walK foR a LonG waY fRom de 1st world hoteL to aparMent~
wHeN walKing tO there~ whoah~ freakKiing tireD for it~~ wHen reaCH there, wE still nId to wit for getTing our room keys~~ unluCky we Nid tO wait becAuse therEs still dun have empty roOm for us~~ dEn aFter thAT, wE walK to 1st woRld for havIng our lunch or break~
havIng it dEn wE go waLk a wHile And niD go bacK aparmeNt agaiN tO arraNge ouR rooM~
nId tO waLk a LonG disTance agAIn~ reLLy dUN wiSH so..>.<.. but waD caN do le~ Den at roOm chit chat and waiT untiL nighT onLi go out having fuN and lunch~ iN tHe seCond daY, erAly iN the Morning already wake up le because one of my friend go pUt a song and all addicted to it alreadY~ hahas~ that song becoMe our themE song in gentiNg alreadY~ always also put it by oNe of mY friend.. afTer we Prepared, wE goIng to haVE fun In the tHeme parK~ tOdaY caN havIng fUn playing all games~~ bUt unlucKy goT some games i didnt play it..>.<. becuase dUn havE enough timE and tHe weAther not alloweD us..>.<>.<

Monday, December 10, 2007

baNg foR iT

this few dayS like manY thiNgs hapPen suddenlY~
cant managE anythiNg thaT beeN oCcuR~~~
buT lucKy thoSe thINgs also not a Big problEm...
sOmetiMes i wIsh to carrY ur pressUre~~
i seeing u reaLly suffer for it but i dIdnt ask u anYthing for it
u looks very desperate wHen i view u~
waD haPPen to U???
u doIng those sucH stUpid things Do u really think urself can forget it??
this type of things caNt rUn for it~~ u jUst can faCe iT and slove it
this wad U shoUld done!!!
ruNning caNT giVe anY gOod beNefit for U and Her...
tRusT urseLf and gO for it~
This waY GooD fOr u Two~~~
haIZ~ i dUnno hoW tO an weI u..>.<
jUst trY ur Best aND gO for iT~
never feAr for it ba... bless tO yOu~

Friday, November 30, 2007

bAddY daY

todaY realLy is a bad daY~~~
early in the morning, thought wanna go meet friend at schOOl after theY exam
unfOrtuNetly is me been caught by de head master~~
he aT there saY many thiNgs aNd beeN scolded..=.=..
argHH!! i realLy wan kiLL him!!! s0bx s0bx
today morning really sueY already~~>.<
but nEvermINd~~ dUring eveNing, gO teST fOr de caR already
but gEt 41 over 50.....>.< left oNe more marks to pass~~
waD can Be dO le.. who calL myselF didnT read FOr it...>.<
afTer that, mE and mY friend go for gatheriing already~~
at there, meet back some old friend that been transfer to other school since form 1
deN we Chatting anD exchaNge oUr phoNE number and so on~~
dUring nigHt, When chattIng wiTh hiM ~~ maNy things beeN talK
mOstly aLsO feeliNg laI de~~
deN wHen diNner tiME, mY moOd not so Gud~~ reallY bad for today!!!!
whEn eveNing, heaRD tHem saY thoSe things~ i realLy dUn likE
buT wad can i do le?? cant change wad they wanna say~~~
jUst keEP iT oN my hearT only..>.<
wHy always alL things haPpen dURing Mood nOt gud... why????

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

27 of Nov 07

yesterday night quit fun lo~ because more friend out for yesterday~
really a new record for it~~ quit all those who didnt go out at night also come~~ hahas
yesterday celebrate friend birth, at there just chit chatting lo~~
also nothing much la~~ other that chatting also didnt have anything to do already~
during 11 something, friend got idea wanna go to proton city~
den go for it already~~ all keep on speed at the road~~ quit fun de
but mostly also will call them becareful lO~~ very dangerouse le~~
den when reach there, change de fenomena agaiN~~ become noisy~~
at there walk a while with those friends and nid to go back home already because quit parents calling already~
wHen reach shop, me with one friend sit at down stair~~ chatting a while
she looks unhappy..>.<..i dunno how 2 an wei her..>.<..really sorry
didnt do anything when u telling me~~ sorry...
den after that me having my nap already because to sleepy..haha~~
like this one day pass already~ how much time left i will at my hometown~~
finding my friends??? appriciate those time we all gather and having fuN~~
hope those memory will not gone forever~~

Monday, November 26, 2007

seCondaRY lifE eNd wiTh niGhtmarE

my SpM life finish le~~~ secondary life like this end already~
bUt todaY not so gud mood~ dunno whY~ althought my exam is finish~
my feell is de same~ dunNO wHY~ myself asking for those question
but dunNO whY wIlL like this..>.<
my pRomise did not do it today~ dunno whY myself will like this
just a simple word but didnt say it out~ nothing can be do already~
haiz~ so maybe like this mood not so gud ba~
but just now when chatting with friend also like that~~
really sorry for saying all those~~ dunno wad myself have done..=.=
anywaY holiday began~ at the 1st day give me nightmare for it alreadY~
how i going to go oN~~ in this darkness road without any light on~~~
beCOme blind ppl~

Sunday, November 25, 2007

dE lasT daY

oWwW~ tomorrOw de lasT paper~~ keeke^^
deN frEE alreadY~~ MERDEKA!!!
waitiNg foR it~ 3.30 pm~
2moro is de last subs~ biologY~
the tesT that i always fail for it~~ quit scared for this subs~
but after that i will free~~ going for my holiday trips XDD~
de most i waiting for~~^^
spm like this gonna finish~ that time scared for de beginning but now wanna end already~
but mostly friend also still got 2 or 1 more subs to go on~
wish them gud luCk lO~
deN let's wE together enjoY our holIday~
buT after that, me gonna havIng my life in ns~~
30th dec~ i wiLl lefT frOm hometowN~~
going to those freakIing training~~ dunnO how was there
de enviroment~ de people~~ my mind aLL blaNk for it~
just hope to enjoy it ba and meet more friend~~
bUt at there caNNot plaY phone or coMputer den wheres My life gonna go???
just keep on blind iN my way~
enjoy the life now~~ afTer thiS exaM~
enJoy wiTh mY frIend 1sT~ if Not maybe next time will lose those contact already~
hOpe aLL frIend caN go for de trIPs~ lasT yearS trIps~~ >.<
verY hopE for!!! wIll see aLl frIend having fun aNd nO oNE lefT beHind~~

Thursday, November 22, 2007


this few daYS alSo buSy maKing ThIs blog~
bUt i caNt fiNd thOSe blOg skin.. s0bx S0bx~
dUn waN maKE so muCh 1sT If nOt laTer chanGe it nEd tO arraNge back~
quIt lazy~~~ keeke
tOdaY eXam chemistRy~ dIe alreadY~~ duNno hOw tO dO~
jUst banG foR it onlY~ NOw lefT moRe 2 suBs~ deN i frEE!!!!
tOdaY oNe oF mY frIend birth~
hEre wiSh hIm gOOd luCk aNd hapPy biRthDay~~~~
aLL tHe beSt aND gUD lUck wiLl foLLow u forEVer~~~
happY alwaYS!!! ^^V

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

hIess XDD

toDAy DuNNo why suddenly got feel wanna open blog~~ den now open already~~
1st tiMe postinG~~ hies alL~^^
today de Mood not so gud..>.<~~ duNno whY~~
no feeLs at aLL~ waNna express mY feeLing??
dunNO le~ but 2mOro Nid exaM~~ phySics, chemistRy, moraL anD biO~
afTer that, i wIll freE frOm all~~
nOw jUSt jia yoU fOR it~~ neVEr giVE uP~~