tOdaY is chrIStmas day~~ wiSh alL merrY chrisTmas noH~~
alL hapPy aND keeP oN healThy neH~~
yesterdaY mY feeLing stiLl de saME~~~ nothiNg that chanGE
quiT borriNg foR duriNg morning And afternOoN~
nO special activities beeN set uP~ thIs maKe me morE saD~~
every timE theres nothing to do~ make myself will think more~~
me keeP on thiNK anD thiNK~~ wad myself looking for???
thOSe thingS still not enought yeT?? or waD??
waD mYself wan for??? wHy lonelY feeling suddenly will come out~~ haizz.. really cant predict it aS myself now knoe it, but seems nothing change but wad myself still wan for??
waN more care??? or others?? im kind of blurring off~
dEN duRing night time, me and my friends go celebrate for de event~~
aT there chit chatting onlI~ also nothing to do much~~
aFTer that, around 12 something den we gather together and speed up to proton city again~
todaY i thought wanna tell u waD i wan for.. but i didnt say it out~~ im fail this time...
realli sorry for saying nothing... dun have de braveness to say it out ba~~
althought myself quit fan for it, but i didnt say it out~~ maskIing agaiN~ haizz
oh ya, duRing evening got tell one friend~ he just call me dun think so much~ try for it~~ tell wad urself feeling~~ i still remember it but at night. me didnt do it.. im really sorry for two of them~ didnt do wad i thinking...
duRing 1 something den onlI go back hoMe anD one of my friend come to my shoP~~
den she at here chit chat and watch movie until 4 something~~
i taking my nap aFter that~~~ thIS my schedule on christmas eve this year~~ lIke this pass le~~ T.T but theres still have a long road for me to go oN~~ trY my besT for it ba~~
wHy mYself seems that our distance liKe faR already and theres nothIng to chat for~~
izzit myself feel for it?? my false feeling~~ i very very hope so~
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
MAskIinG agaIn?
seemS like this few days, me wearing mask agaiN~~
why myself wanna wear so??? why cant i gib any comment about those???
nowOns i more realise thaT anD i aLways thInk smIling ON thiS few days really come out from my heart??? i more wanna knoe it~~
wheN i teLL heR that SHe say me have a false feeling agaiN~
i hope that is false and fake!! bUt tHis few days my feeling tell me not like that~~ kiNd of serious things going to happen again... haiz~
sOmetimes waD i hope i didnt say it out~~ just let it come in fate~~
wHEn it waNNa come it will comE~~ sO i didnT waNNa trY oN agaiN~
juSt whEn de daY reacH it wiLl also reach and wont stop at there waiting for me~
aND myseLF liKe followS up other~~ he ask me did i tell wad i wan???
my answer is no~ i didnt do so~ bUt he telL me whY dun trY for it anD mayBe a suprise wIll come out~~ myself also hope that de wish that i thiNking wiLl cOme truE~~
today is christmas eve, got any plAnniNg to do???
KiNd Of freaKing woRRy christmas eve~~ duNNno todaY will haPPen wad agaiN~
juST enjoY today ba anD hOpe he can join together~~ de lasT evenT we celebrate togetHer~
anD myself goinG to enjoY my lifE aT ns thIs sunday~ quIt saD for it..T.T
aNywAy misSIng u alL de tiME.. s0bx s0bx
why myself wanna wear so??? why cant i gib any comment about those???
nowOns i more realise thaT anD i aLways thInk smIling ON thiS few days really come out from my heart??? i more wanna knoe it~~
wheN i teLL heR that SHe say me have a false feeling agaiN~
i hope that is false and fake!! bUt tHis few days my feeling tell me not like that~~ kiNd of serious things going to happen again... haiz~
sOmetimes waD i hope i didnt say it out~~ just let it come in fate~~
wHEn it waNNa come it will comE~~ sO i didnT waNNa trY oN agaiN~
juSt whEn de daY reacH it wiLl also reach and wont stop at there waiting for me~
aND myseLF liKe followS up other~~ he ask me did i tell wad i wan???
my answer is no~ i didnt do so~ bUt he telL me whY dun trY for it anD mayBe a suprise wIll come out~~ myself also hope that de wish that i thiNking wiLl cOme truE~~
today is christmas eve, got any plAnniNg to do???
KiNd Of freaKing woRRy christmas eve~~ duNNno todaY will haPPen wad agaiN~
juST enjoY today ba anD hOpe he can join together~~ de lasT evenT we celebrate togetHer~
anD myself goinG to enjoY my lifE aT ns thIs sunday~ quIt saD for it..T.T
aNywAy misSIng u alL de tiME.. s0bx s0bx
Thursday, December 20, 2007
10 moRe daYs to go ON
fRoM dE daY coME baCK fRom genTiNg~ i haVE a strange feeLinG alreadY~
mySelf alwaYS seeKinG fOR it~~ anD i goT teLl oNe oF my friEnd~
he keeP on aN weI me~ teLL me dUN thINk sO much aNd iT juSt aN iMaginatiOn
iTs noT trUE~ bUt wAd mYseLf caN dO foR thE nexT stEp??
i MorE feAR tO go oN lIke thIs wIth de bLurIInG thiNkIng aND blurrIng mIndeD~
dEN i foLLow uP hIm say~ noT tO thINk so mUch~ buT unluckY~
i keeP oN thiNK oN tUesdaY niGht~ shoULd i do soMEthiNg??
mY feelinG teLl mE iS absolUteLy alreaDY bUt I stiLl noT beliEve it~
i keeP on goIng fOR it~
thAt nigHt hE didnT oNline, dEn i thInk anD thiNK wAd caN be dOne foR me~
mY mInd kind oF blanK oF it~
sO thIS eND uP aT tHE niGhT, keeP roLLinG at the beD thInk anD thinK~
dE anSweR at THe eNd alSO didNt appeaR in frOnt of mY eye~ haiz
tRyinG mY besT~ aND wAd decISiOn beeN maDe bY hiM, i will FollOW up~
aS wAD hE waN~ sO noW i dIDnt hoPe fOR aNy mOre thiNgs~ jusT i waN be Back like last timE~ noThiNg change buT kNoes uR answeR i alreadY happY~
seeMs nS life IS geTTIng neaR alreadY~ 10 more daYS to go on iN my hOmetowN~
beFore goIng hoPe cAn meET aLL friends~ scarEd nO moRE tiMe fOr uS to meet uP already~
appriciatE thIS feW daYS tIme left~ going tO dE trainIng~ bubYe alreadY~
like thIs dE tIme passeS~ hoW guD if tHe tiME caN stOP nowOns??
anywaY marrY cHirItmasU neh~~
hOpe aLL frieND de wiSH coMe truE aND u keeP oN hapPy, dun thiNk so much already
hOpe sanTa uncLe wiLl lEt mY wiSh coME trUE thIS yeaR~ thanKs neh~
mySelf alwaYS seeKinG fOR it~~ anD i goT teLl oNe oF my friEnd~
he keeP on aN weI me~ teLL me dUN thINk sO much aNd iT juSt aN iMaginatiOn
iTs noT trUE~ bUt wAd mYseLf caN dO foR thE nexT stEp??
i MorE feAR tO go oN lIke thIs wIth de bLurIInG thiNkIng aND blurrIng mIndeD~
dEN i foLLow uP hIm say~ noT tO thINk so mUch~ buT unluckY~
i keeP oN thiNK oN tUesdaY niGht~ shoULd i do soMEthiNg??
mY feelinG teLl mE iS absolUteLy alreaDY bUt I stiLl noT beliEve it~
i keeP on goIng fOR it~
thAt nigHt hE didnT oNline, dEn i thInk anD thiNK wAd caN be dOne foR me~
mY mInd kind oF blanK oF it~
sO thIS eND uP aT tHE niGhT, keeP roLLinG at the beD thInk anD thinK~
dE anSweR at THe eNd alSO didNt appeaR in frOnt of mY eye~ haiz
tRyinG mY besT~ aND wAd decISiOn beeN maDe bY hiM, i will FollOW up~
aS wAD hE waN~ sO noW i dIDnt hoPe fOR aNy mOre thiNgs~ jusT i waN be Back like last timE~ noThiNg change buT kNoes uR answeR i alreadY happY~
seeMs nS life IS geTTIng neaR alreadY~ 10 more daYS to go on iN my hOmetowN~
beFore goIng hoPe cAn meET aLL friends~ scarEd nO moRE tiMe fOr uS to meet uP already~
appriciatE thIS feW daYS tIme left~ going tO dE trainIng~ bubYe alreadY~
like thIs dE tIme passeS~ hoW guD if tHe tiME caN stOP nowOns??
anywaY marrY cHirItmasU neh~~
hOpe aLL frieND de wiSH coMe truE aND u keeP oN hapPy, dun thiNk so much already
hOpe sanTa uncLe wiLl lEt mY wiSh coME trUE thIS yeaR~ thanKs neh~
Monday, December 17, 2007
laST yeaR trIps XDD
whoah~ having fun in de genting trips foR 3daYS aNd 2 nighTs at there~
bUt aT The eNd liKe that finISh le~~ but at there qUit fuN and enjoY for it~
fRoM de 1sT daY, we begaN ouR journEy untIL de caBEl car there~~
all enjoyinG insIDe dE bus~~ plaYing, chaTTing, jokiNg anD so On~
wheN reaCh genTiNG, we Nid to walK foR a LonG waY fRom de 1st world hoteL to aparMent~
wHeN walKing tO there~ whoah~ freakKiing tireD for it~~ wHen reaCH there, wE still nId to wit for getTing our room keys~~ unluCky we Nid tO wait becAuse therEs still dun have empty roOm for us~~ dEn aFter thAT, wE walK to 1st woRld for havIng our lunch or break~
havIng it dEn wE go waLk a wHile And niD go bacK aparmeNt agaiN tO arraNge ouR rooM~
nId tO waLk a LonG disTance agAIn~ reLLy dUN wiSH so..>.<.. but waD caN do le~ Den at roOm chit chat and waiT untiL nighT onLi go out having fuN and lunch~ iN tHe seCond daY, erAly iN the Morning already wake up le because one of my friend go pUt a song and all addicted to it alreadY~ hahas~ that song becoMe our themE song in gentiNg alreadY~ always also put it by oNe of mY friend.. afTer we Prepared, wE goIng to haVE fun In the tHeme parK~ tOdaY caN havIng fUn playing all games~~ bUt unlucKy goT some games i didnt play it..>.<. becuase dUn havE enough timE and tHe weAther not alloweD us..>.<>.<
bUt aT The eNd liKe that finISh le~~ but at there qUit fuN and enjoY for it~
fRoM de 1sT daY, we begaN ouR journEy untIL de caBEl car there~~
all enjoyinG insIDe dE bus~~ plaYing, chaTTing, jokiNg anD so On~
wheN reaCh genTiNG, we Nid to walK foR a LonG waY fRom de 1st world hoteL to aparMent~
wHeN walKing tO there~ whoah~ freakKiing tireD for it~~ wHen reaCH there, wE still nId to wit for getTing our room keys~~ unluCky we Nid tO wait becAuse therEs still dun have empty roOm for us~~ dEn aFter thAT, wE walK to 1st woRld for havIng our lunch or break~
havIng it dEn wE go waLk a wHile And niD go bacK aparmeNt agaiN tO arraNge ouR rooM~
nId tO waLk a LonG disTance agAIn~ reLLy dUN wiSH so..>.<.. but waD caN do le~ Den at roOm chit chat and waiT untiL nighT onLi go out having fuN and lunch~ iN tHe seCond daY, erAly iN the Morning already wake up le because one of my friend go pUt a song and all addicted to it alreadY~ hahas~ that song becoMe our themE song in gentiNg alreadY~ always also put it by oNe of mY friend.. afTer we Prepared, wE goIng to haVE fun In the tHeme parK~ tOdaY caN havIng fUn playing all games~~ bUt unlucKy goT some games i didnt play it..>.<. becuase dUn havE enough timE and tHe weAther not alloweD us..>.<>.<
Monday, December 10, 2007
baNg foR iT
this few dayS like manY thiNgs hapPen suddenlY~
cant managE anythiNg thaT beeN oCcuR~~~
buT lucKy thoSe thINgs also not a Big problEm...
sOmetiMes i wIsh to carrY ur pressUre~~
i seeing u reaLly suffer for it but i dIdnt ask u anYthing for it
u looks very desperate wHen i view u~
waD haPPen to U???
u doIng those sucH stUpid things Do u really think urself can forget it??
this type of things caNt rUn for it~~ u jUst can faCe iT and slove it
this wad U shoUld done!!!
ruNning caNT giVe anY gOod beNefit for U and Her...
tRusT urseLf and gO for it~
This waY GooD fOr u Two~~~
haIZ~ i dUnno hoW tO an weI u..>.<
jUst trY ur Best aND gO for iT~
never feAr for it ba... bless tO yOu~
cant managE anythiNg thaT beeN oCcuR~~~
buT lucKy thoSe thINgs also not a Big problEm...
sOmetiMes i wIsh to carrY ur pressUre~~
i seeing u reaLly suffer for it but i dIdnt ask u anYthing for it
u looks very desperate wHen i view u~
waD haPPen to U???
u doIng those sucH stUpid things Do u really think urself can forget it??
this type of things caNt rUn for it~~ u jUst can faCe iT and slove it
this wad U shoUld done!!!
ruNning caNT giVe anY gOod beNefit for U and Her...
tRusT urseLf and gO for it~
This waY GooD fOr u Two~~~
haIZ~ i dUnno hoW tO an weI u..>.<
jUst trY ur Best aND gO for iT~
never feAr for it ba... bless tO yOu~
Friday, November 30, 2007
bAddY daY
todaY realLy is a bad daY~~~
early in the morning, thought wanna go meet friend at schOOl after theY exam
unfOrtuNetly is me been caught by de head master~~
he aT there saY many thiNgs aNd beeN scolded..=.=..
argHH!! i realLy wan kiLL him!!! s0bx s0bx
today morning really sueY already~~>.<
but nEvermINd~~ dUring eveNing, gO teST fOr de caR already
but gEt 41 over 50.....>.< left oNe more marks to pass~~
waD can Be dO le.. who calL myselF didnT read FOr it...>.<
afTer that, mE and mY friend go for gatheriing already~~
at there, meet back some old friend that been transfer to other school since form 1
deN we Chatting anD exchaNge oUr phoNE number and so on~~
dUring nigHt, When chattIng wiTh hiM ~~ maNy things beeN talK
mOstly aLsO feeliNg laI de~~
deN wHen diNner tiME, mY moOd not so Gud~~ reallY bad for today!!!!
whEn eveNing, heaRD tHem saY thoSe things~ i realLy dUn likE
buT wad can i do le?? cant change wad they wanna say~~~
jUst keEP iT oN my hearT only..>.<
wHy always alL things haPpen dURing Mood nOt gud... why????
early in the morning, thought wanna go meet friend at schOOl after theY exam
unfOrtuNetly is me been caught by de head master~~
he aT there saY many thiNgs aNd beeN scolded..=.=..
argHH!! i realLy wan kiLL him!!! s0bx s0bx
today morning really sueY already~~>.<
but nEvermINd~~ dUring eveNing, gO teST fOr de caR already
but gEt 41 over 50.....>.< left oNe more marks to pass~~
waD can Be dO le.. who calL myselF didnT read FOr it...>.<
afTer that, mE and mY friend go for gatheriing already~~
at there, meet back some old friend that been transfer to other school since form 1
deN we Chatting anD exchaNge oUr phoNE number and so on~~
dUring nigHt, When chattIng wiTh hiM ~~ maNy things beeN talK
mOstly aLsO feeliNg laI de~~
deN wHen diNner tiME, mY moOd not so Gud~~ reallY bad for today!!!!
whEn eveNing, heaRD tHem saY thoSe things~ i realLy dUn likE
buT wad can i do le?? cant change wad they wanna say~~~
jUst keEP iT oN my hearT only..>.<
wHy always alL things haPpen dURing Mood nOt gud... why????
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
27 of Nov 07
yesterday night quit fun lo~ because more friend out for yesterday~
really a new record for it~~ quit all those who didnt go out at night also come~~ hahas
yesterday celebrate friend birth, at there just chit chatting lo~~
also nothing much la~~ other that chatting also didnt have anything to do already~
during 11 something, friend got idea wanna go to proton city~
den go for it already~~ all keep on speed at the road~~ quit fun de
but mostly also will call them becareful lO~~ very dangerouse le~~
den when reach there, change de fenomena agaiN~~ become noisy~~
at there walk a while with those friends and nid to go back home already because quit parents calling already~
wHen reach shop, me with one friend sit at down stair~~ chatting a while
she looks unhappy..>.<..i dunno how 2 an wei her..>.<..really sorry
didnt do anything when u telling me~~ sorry...
den after that me having my nap already because to sleepy..haha~~
like this one day pass already~ how much time left i will at my hometown~~
finding my friends??? appriciate those time we all gather and having fuN~~
hope those memory will not gone forever~~
really a new record for it~~ quit all those who didnt go out at night also come~~ hahas
yesterday celebrate friend birth, at there just chit chatting lo~~
also nothing much la~~ other that chatting also didnt have anything to do already~
during 11 something, friend got idea wanna go to proton city~
den go for it already~~ all keep on speed at the road~~ quit fun de
but mostly also will call them becareful lO~~ very dangerouse le~~
den when reach there, change de fenomena agaiN~~ become noisy~~
at there walk a while with those friends and nid to go back home already because quit parents calling already~
wHen reach shop, me with one friend sit at down stair~~ chatting a while
she looks unhappy..>.<..i dunno how 2 an wei her..>.<..really sorry
didnt do anything when u telling me~~ sorry...
den after that me having my nap already because to sleepy..haha~~
like this one day pass already~ how much time left i will at my hometown~~
finding my friends??? appriciate those time we all gather and having fuN~~
hope those memory will not gone forever~~
Monday, November 26, 2007
seCondaRY lifE eNd wiTh niGhtmarE
my SpM life finish le~~~ secondary life like this end already~
bUt todaY not so gud mood~ dunno whY~ althought my exam is finish~
my feell is de same~ dunNO wHY~ myself asking for those question
but dunNO whY wIlL like this..>.<
my pRomise did not do it today~ dunno whY myself will like this
just a simple word but didnt say it out~ nothing can be do already~
haiz~ so maybe like this mood not so gud ba~
but just now when chatting with friend also like that~~
really sorry for saying all those~~ dunno wad myself have done..=.=
anywaY holiday began~ at the 1st day give me nightmare for it alreadY~
how i going to go oN~~ in this darkness road without any light on~~~
beCOme blind ppl~
bUt todaY not so gud mood~ dunno whY~ althought my exam is finish~
my feell is de same~ dunNO wHY~ myself asking for those question
but dunNO whY wIlL like this..>.<
my pRomise did not do it today~ dunno whY myself will like this
just a simple word but didnt say it out~ nothing can be do already~
haiz~ so maybe like this mood not so gud ba~
but just now when chatting with friend also like that~~
really sorry for saying all those~~ dunno wad myself have done..=.=
anywaY holiday began~ at the 1st day give me nightmare for it alreadY~
how i going to go oN~~ in this darkness road without any light on~~~
beCOme blind ppl~
Sunday, November 25, 2007
dE lasT daY
oWwW~ tomorrOw de lasT paper~~ keeke^^
deN frEE alreadY~~ MERDEKA!!!
waitiNg foR it~ 3.30 pm~
2moro is de last subs~ biologY~
the tesT that i always fail for it~~ quit scared for this subs~
but after that i will free~~ going for my holiday trips XDD~
de most i waiting for~~^^
spm like this gonna finish~ that time scared for de beginning but now wanna end already~
but mostly friend also still got 2 or 1 more subs to go on~
wish them gud luCk lO~
deN let's wE together enjoY our holIday~
buT after that, me gonna havIng my life in ns~~
30th dec~ i wiLl lefT frOm hometowN~~
going to those freakIing training~~ dunnO how was there
de enviroment~ de people~~ my mind aLL blaNk for it~
just hope to enjoy it ba and meet more friend~~
bUt at there caNNot plaY phone or coMputer den wheres My life gonna go???
just keep on blind iN my way~
enjoy the life now~~ afTer thiS exaM~
enJoy wiTh mY frIend 1sT~ if Not maybe next time will lose those contact already~
hOpe aLL frIend caN go for de trIPs~ lasT yearS trIps~~ >.<
verY hopE for!!! wIll see aLl frIend having fun aNd nO oNE lefT beHind~~
deN frEE alreadY~~ MERDEKA!!!
waitiNg foR it~ 3.30 pm~
2moro is de last subs~ biologY~
the tesT that i always fail for it~~ quit scared for this subs~
but after that i will free~~ going for my holiday trips XDD~
de most i waiting for~~^^
spm like this gonna finish~ that time scared for de beginning but now wanna end already~
but mostly friend also still got 2 or 1 more subs to go on~
wish them gud luCk lO~
deN let's wE together enjoY our holIday~
buT after that, me gonna havIng my life in ns~~
30th dec~ i wiLl lefT frOm hometowN~~
going to those freakIing training~~ dunnO how was there
de enviroment~ de people~~ my mind aLL blaNk for it~
just hope to enjoy it ba and meet more friend~~
bUt at there caNNot plaY phone or coMputer den wheres My life gonna go???
just keep on blind iN my way~
enjoy the life now~~ afTer thiS exaM~
enJoy wiTh mY frIend 1sT~ if Not maybe next time will lose those contact already~
hOpe aLL frIend caN go for de trIPs~ lasT yearS trIps~~ >.<
verY hopE for!!! wIll see aLl frIend having fun aNd nO oNE lefT beHind~~
Thursday, November 22, 2007
this few daYS alSo buSy maKing ThIs blog~
bUt i caNt fiNd thOSe blOg skin.. s0bx S0bx~
dUn waN maKE so muCh 1sT If nOt laTer chanGe it nEd tO arraNge back~
quIt lazy~~~ keeke
tOdaY eXam chemistRy~ dIe alreadY~~ duNno hOw tO dO~
jUst banG foR it onlY~ NOw lefT moRe 2 suBs~ deN i frEE!!!!
tOdaY oNe oF mY frIend birth~
hEre wiSh hIm gOOd luCk aNd hapPy biRthDay~~~~
aLL tHe beSt aND gUD lUck wiLl foLLow u forEVer~~~
happY alwaYS!!! ^^V
bUt i caNt fiNd thOSe blOg skin.. s0bx S0bx~
dUn waN maKE so muCh 1sT If nOt laTer chanGe it nEd tO arraNge back~
quIt lazy~~~ keeke
tOdaY eXam chemistRy~ dIe alreadY~~ duNno hOw tO dO~
jUst banG foR it onlY~ NOw lefT moRe 2 suBs~ deN i frEE!!!!
tOdaY oNe oF mY frIend birth~
hEre wiSh hIm gOOd luCk aNd hapPy biRthDay~~~~
aLL tHe beSt aND gUD lUck wiLl foLLow u forEVer~~~
happY alwaYS!!! ^^V
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
hIess XDD
toDAy DuNNo why suddenly got feel wanna open blog~~ den now open already~~
1st tiMe postinG~~ hies alL~^^
today de Mood not so gud..>.<~~ duNno whY~~
no feeLs at aLL~ waNna express mY feeLing??
dunNO le~ but 2mOro Nid exaM~~ phySics, chemistRy, moraL anD biO~
afTer that, i wIll freE frOm all~~
nOw jUSt jia yoU fOR it~~ neVEr giVE uP~~
1st tiMe postinG~~ hies alL~^^
today de Mood not so gud..>.<~~ duNno whY~~
no feeLs at aLL~ waNna express mY feeLing??
dunNO le~ but 2mOro Nid exaM~~ phySics, chemistRy, moraL anD biO~
afTer that, i wIll freE frOm all~~
nOw jUSt jia yoU fOR it~~ neVEr giVE uP~~
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